10+ Parsnip Recipes

Closely related to carrots and parsley, 防风草是一种营养丰富、用途广泛的根茎类蔬菜,可以以各种方式享用. 当防风草在霜冻后的寒冷天气中生长时, parsnips develop a sweet, 枫树般的风味,为美味菜肴增添了美妙的风味.

Whether you want to enjoy them mashed, roasted, glazed, or tossed into soups or salads, 看看我们在厨房里准备防风草的一些最喜欢的方法.

Photo Courtesy of Co+op


主打旺季根茎蔬菜和奶油, cheese sauce, 这道烩饭是一种热爱的劳动,非常值得努力.


  • 1个小的红色或金色甜菜,去皮,切成半英寸的方块或条

  • 1 carrot, cut into ½-inch cubes or strips

  • 1个小萝卜或防风草,去皮,切成半英寸的方块或条

  • 1 / 4杯橄榄油,再加一些蔬菜

  • ½ cup thinly sliced leeks

  • 半杯切碎的蘑菇(野生或栽培)

  • 2到3片新鲜鼠尾草叶,切碎,再加一些装饰

  • 1 ½ cups Arborio rice

  • ½ cup dry white wine

  • 5到6杯蘑菇汤、蔬菜汤或鸡汤

  • 一杯刚磨碎的帕尔马干酪,分成两份

  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 425° F. 把甜菜、胡萝卜和芜菁放入少许油中搅拌,在平底锅上铺上一层. 烤15到20分钟,或者直到蔬菜变金黄变软. 在烤蔬菜的时候,准备意大利烩饭.

  2. In a heavy pot, heat oil over medium heat. 加入韭菜,蘑菇和鼠尾草,煮到韭菜变软,大约4分钟. 从这一点开始,锅将需要不断地观察.

  3. 用中高火加入米饭,不断搅拌2分钟. 加入葡萄酒,搅拌至完全被谷物吸收. Pour in 1 cup broth and stir until absorbed. 再加入一杯肉汤,再次搅拌,直到完全吸收.

  4. 除最后半杯汤外,所有汤都以这种方式进行, until rice is tender but still a little chewy. 加入大部分烤好的蔬菜,留一些做装饰.

  5. As the final step, add remaining ½ cup broth. 这样会让谷物变得多汁. Immediately stir in ¾ cup Parmesan. 奶酪会融化在高汤里,在谷物周围形成奶油酱.

  6. Season with salt and pepper. 配上烤蔬菜、磨碎的帕尔马干酪和新鲜鼠尾草. Serve immediately.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Co+op

Photo Courtesy of Co+op

Roasted Root Vegetable Salad

A warmed salad perfect for winter, 把这些烤蔬菜和一些Co-op腌制鸡胸肉一起上桌.


  • 2 large parsnips, peeled

  • 2 large carrots, peeled

  • 1 medium turnip, peeled

  • 1 small sweet potato, peeled

  • 6 large garlic cloves

  • 4汤匙特级初榨橄榄油,分成两份

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

  • 2 teaspoons maple syrup

  • 2 cups arugula

  • 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped


  1. Preheat oven to 400°F. 准备蔬菜,每个切成3 / 4英寸的方块,然后放在一个9 × 13英寸的烤盘里. 加入整瓣大蒜,一汤匙橄榄油和盐,搅拌均匀.

  2. 用锡纸盖上烤20分钟, 然后摇一摇锅,把蔬菜移开,再烤20分钟. Uncover and test by piercing with a paring knife; the vegetables should be very tender.

  3. 转移到碗或储存盆,让冷却. (可以盖上盖子冷藏三天.)

  4. 在一个杯子里,搅拌剩下的橄榄油,香醋和枫糖浆. Drizzle over the vegetables and toss to coat.

  5. 把芝麻菜铺在浅盘上,上面放上芝麻根. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Co+op

Photo Courtesy of Co+op

Parsnip Apple Soup

欧洲防风草和苹果的甜美和浓郁的味道在这款简单的酒中完美地融合在一起, creamy soup.


  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

  • 3 cups diced yellow onion (1 medium onion)

  • 1 ½ pounds parsnips, peeled and diced

  • 2 cups peeled and diced apple

  • 2 teaspoons ground coriander

  • Salt

  • 4 cups vegetable broth

  • 1 cup heavy cream or milk

  • ½ cup minced parsley

  • Ground black pepper

  • 4 ounces chèvre (optional)


  1. 用中高火加热汤锅,将洋葱放入油中炒5分钟. 加入防风草和苹果,再炒6-8分钟,偶尔搅拌一下.

  2. 加入香菜,一撮盐和肉汤,煮开. 把火转小火,煮10-15分钟,直到防风草变软.

  3. 从火上取下,加入奶油或牛奶,欧芹,盐和胡椒各少许. 使用食品加工机或搅拌器将汤打成泥(必要时可以小批量)。.

  4. 用盐和胡椒粉调味,趁热上桌,在上面放一小块法式辣酱.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Co+op

Photo Courtesy of Love & Lemons

Parsnip Puree


In this recipe from Love & Lemons, 将防风草和花椰菜放入搅拌器中搅拌以产生光线, 用大蒜和迷迭香点缀蓬松的山峰.

在节日期间享用这种泥,作为土豆泥的替代品, 或者搭配烤鸡一起享用,这是一顿简单的周末大餐.

Find the full recipe at Love & Lemons


Photo Courtesy of Well Plated by Erin

Parsnip Fries

考虑到防风草可以很容易地代替土豆, of course, we had to include a recipe for fries!

Here, 欧洲防风草去皮,切成3英寸长的条状,然后用橄榄油搅拌, salt, pepper, and garlic, and baked in the oven.

吃完薯条后,在和汉堡一起吃之前,可以撒上一大块磨碎的帕尔马干酪和欧芹, grilled chicken, and more.

Find the full recipe at Well Plated by Erin


Photo Courtesy of Feasting at Home

Roasted Parsnips with Romesco Sauce

一种以西红柿为基础的酱汁,有大蒜和榛子, romesco sauce has a bold, zippy flavor that pairs well with nutty, earthy parsnips.

Here, 制作酱汁的原料和防风草同时在烤箱里烤,以减少厨房的整体烹饪时间.

Dollop some sauce on plates, top with parsnips, 可以作为素食主义者的一餐,也可以作为鸡肉或牛排的配菜.

Find the full recipe at Feasting at Home


Photo Courtesy of Smitten Kitchen

Parsnip Latkes with Horseradish and Dill




Find the full recipe at Smitten Kitchen


Creamy Parsnip Soup with Smoky Tempeh Strips

Creamy, smoky, umami… all without the meat!

In this recipe from Elephantastic Vegan, 豆豉被切成片,用烟熏液腌制, paprika, and salt before being paired with a creamy, coconutty soup base featuring parsnips, soy sauce, and ginger.

用拉尔夫温室的防风草和贝灵汉的豆豉做这道当地的汤 Thorough Fare!

Find the full recipe at Elephantastic Vegan

More Parsnip Recipes

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